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Datalogic Impact Software视觉软件

Impact Software Suite, with over 120 software tools and controls, allows you to create unique inspection programs and develop user interfaces quickly and easily.
All this can be done without the loss of functionality, like traditional configurable systems, or the need for vast amounts of development time like traditional SDK environments.

地址:上海嘉定区宝安公路2889号2幢256室 沪ICP备11007467号-1
版权所有 沪ICP备11007467号-1
技术支持:上海阳之普信息科技有限公司 吸音板 隔音板 楼承板 图腾机柜 低氮燃烧器 C型钢 砂磨机 工业洗衣机岩棉夹芯板 自动售货机 德国阳光蓄电池